October 19, 2012 pianokatsmeow Haiku #281 - Edwin Drood October 19, 2012 pianokatsmeow went with my friend Christy to the 1st preview of the Drood revival -Didn't know the show and it turned up to be right up my Anglophile, mystery-loving alley. Cast great, staging, design and music beautifully done - go see it! so many choices how to spend a Friday night? clap and cheer for Drood! People, Places, Things: Roundabout Theatre The Mystery of Edwin Drood
September 25, 2012 pianokatsmeow Haiku #259 - Guantanamera September 25, 2012 pianokatsmeow old friends, Latin jams y plátanos maduros Guantanamazing People, Places, Things: Guantanamera Kurt, Alex, Perry, Christina
September 21, 2012 pianokatsmeow Haiku #256 - Wedding Eve September 21, 2012 pianokatsmeow so much excitement must find a moment of peace bride-to-be makes fire