Haiku #246 - NY Pizza - Mariella

me w/ John & Phil (wielding pizza cutter)

pepperoni slice
from Mariella fuels a
New York afternoon

People, Places, Things:
This haiku is the first in (I hope) a weekly series haiku about my favorite pizza in New York...you know, a guide for hitchhaikuers...

Mariella is located on 8th Ave between 56th and 57th. The staff is friendly and nice, kinda old school New York, and it's classic, non-pretentious, greasy New York pizza. I usually opt for the pepperoni slice, and sometimes have a root beer to go with. Good for fueling visits to the south end of Central Park, the Time Warner Center, and/or Broadway shows a few blocks south.

Apparently there is another Mariella on E 16th & 3rd...I'm not familiar with that one!