Irish For a Day

Look, look
Look to the rainbow.
Follow the fellow
Who follows a dream.
-"Look to the Rainbow" from Finian's Rainbow

Busy week this week.  Sitting in Starbucks right now, in between appointments on my Epic Wednesday (which currently goes from 8:30 a.m. until around 12 or 1 a.m., with no breaks long enough to go home).  Performances tonight and tomorrow night with Irish or St. Paddy's Day themes, both of which should be a lot of fun. Tonight is Irish night at Stonewall Sensation, so I'll be accompanying the contestants on songs written, recorded, or having anything to do with Ireland.  It's a broad category, which allows songs as diverse as "Lies" from the movie Once to "Ireland" from Legally Blonde the Musical.  My St. Patrick's day will begin there at 10 p.m. tonight, and end (punctuated by what is most accurately called a nap)...
...tomorrow night, when I'm playing for Trish LaRose in her cabaret act, Bulletproof.  Each incarnation of Bulletproof is a little different, and this one's about turning her turning thirty, which much-heralded event will occur tomorrow.  Ah, turning thirty... that epoch of life in which one examines how one is spending one's time, because one has realized one is actually going to DIE one day... Jobs, quit. Career courses, altered. Relationships, relegated to the "see-you-when-I-see-you" attic, or excised entirely.  What do I still have time for?

Ben.  Of course Ben.  Practiced "Lullabye" last night with the recording on Quicktime, where you can adjust the tempo down as far as 50% (or faster, but why would I do that?).  45 minutes, ok, pretty comfortable with the first half of the solo by memory.  Won't have time again until Friday, but will try to get a good chunk of time in then.  Better than nothing.