Oscar Songs - If I Rise

I didn't learn this song very well the first go-round. I intended to learn it a week ago Sunday, and then ... didn't. I was busy, sure, and also cranky about the fact that I have no idea what this song is about. I couldn't understand a lot of the lyrics, so I looked them up on the internet and read them. I still couldn't understand the lyrics.
You know how I am with lyrics. So I "learned the song" in the same way a little kid "washes his hands" before a meal - I played it on my computer while I cooked lunch, and intended to learn it, and then I think I took a nap.

So imagine my surprise when I found myself kinda liking the song the other day when I took a second crack at it. The production builds into a really interesting and tone-clustery melange of sound halfway through the song. The underlying groove never changes, but it sort of gets painted over by the rest of the orchestration, so that by the time the children's chorus comes in, it's possible to lose track of the downbeat.

Dido and A.R. Rahman collaborated on the song, and there is all sorts of stuff in it that I know very little about: electronic sounds, Eastern influences. According to the comment-sphere (usually there is space for "song meaning" comments on the sites that post song lyrics), the song is about making the most of whatever time you have. (Hey, they stole my epitaph!) There are also numerous comments about how well it works in the film. Which I wouldn't know, because I haven't seen it yet. Score minus-1 for taking things out of context.

As for the medley I'm concocting, I think I'll use the little opening riff, and maybe pick part of the melody to throw in at some point. I don't have time to render large sections of the song, or the arc as a whole, for solo piano, so I'll pick and choose what I can do at this point.

Weekly Wish: 2/14/11 Oscar Song Medley

I wish I could take time to review songs I've learned.

Last year I always wished I had time to go back and review my daily songs.  I rarely did unless they came up for gigs.  Yesterday I was happy to discover that transposing "Open Arms" down a minor third is a cinch because I learned it last year. In a perfect world, though, I'd take more time to go back to songs I like, which is why I'm experimenting with taking things on a weekly basis this year. 

Last week was busy and stressful, and I found myself saying "I wish I had more time" and "I wish so-and-so would stop being a pain in the ass", etc., in place of the musical wish I didn't have time to make.  This week's not a lot less busy, but I need a fun wish, so I'm going to go back and review the Oscar songs and think about a mash-up (the irony that I was oblivious to the Grammys is not lost on me... hmmm...). 

"What We Play Is Life."

Astronomical Clock, Prague
-Louis Armstrong

I was talking to a friend this week, promising to get her some project material soon, really really soon!  She nodded and said, "In the fullness of time."   

Heh.  I forget that time has its own fullness when I'm not trying to cram it with my own.  Not a concept that comes naturally to me, this baby steps thing.  

No Weekly Wish this week, because I needed my scant practice time for other priorities.  I was cranky about it, but I took one look at my schedule last weekend and realized it just wasn't going to happen.  The week turned out to be even busier than expected: last-minute work, and a pianist whose maternity leave I'm covering had her baby early (not too early, though, they're fine!). 

I didn't make a wish.  No one died.  I did the best I could with the time I had. 

Hey, I think I just stumbled upon my epitaph (this entry is becoming oddly morbid... I don't mean it...).

I hope it's a long time before I need an epitaph - I have a music to learn, cookies to eat - but I like it as an intention.  I'm going to do best I can with the time I have.  Way less stressful than frantically trying to do everything. 

The time I have: getting steadier, and my tempos are more accurate.  I'm familiar with more repertoire (thanks, last year!), which takes out the guesswork.  But also - remember last year when I was talking about habits and rhythm?  Like it or not, you perform with your practice habits, and life habits sneak in there too.  Now that I'm not trying (quite) so hard to be twelve places at once, it's showing up in my playing. 

Recording with Brooke tomorrow.  We postponed it a day because I didn't have time to practice.  My perfectionist nag is telling me I should have managed my time better,  not let personal worries get the better of me as they did yesterday.  I'm flipping that side a nonchalant L.H. 3-finger and signing off to practice a little "Black Coffee". 

Valentine's Day Gifts

Photo by Andrew Piccone: andrewpiccone.tumblr.com
Here is what I want for Valentine's Day, in no particular order:
1. a nap
2. chocolate
3. a dance class

Here is what I'm giving my Valentine:
1. a nap
2. chocolate
3. a dance class

That's right, you guessed it, I am my own Valentine this year.  I'm ok with that at the moment. 

Today I played for my friend.  I was relieved that he noticed improvement since he heard me play last summer.  I was even happier that the notes he gave me were pretty much the things I already knew I needed to work on.  We grow the most as musicians when we can take care of ourselves: we hear ourselves accurately and can troubleshoot what's not up to par. We know our strengths, and our bad habits.  And perhaps most importantly, when and whom to ask for help. 

When I started writing my Valentine's list, it was just another episode of Kat-writes-cathartic-blog-posts-in-the-absence-of-anything-else-to-say, but I just noticed it does tie in with my musical life-lesson du jour:

I've been single for over a year now.  It took a really difficult 7 or 8 months to figure out how to take care of myself alone, after having bartered that responsibility with a really decent guy for a long time.  Outsourcing is a nice luxury, but I'm glad I've had to learn how to get myself through the day on my own (and when and whom to ask for help when I can't). 

Life top 3 things I need: 
1. 6-7 hours of sleep a night (7 is better)
2. time and energy work really hard at music
3. friend-time almost every day (even if it's just a quick drink or a phone call).

Musical top 3 things I need: 
1. work on my phrasing/articulation
2. build up more power, especially in the left hand
3. keep working on my time (already much improved)

It's a gift, knowing what I need.  It's kind of a lameass Valentine's gift, but I'll take it. And, of course, naptime, chocolate, and a dance class for/from my Valentine.

Weekly Wish: Priorities?

You may be wondering what my wish is this week (I hope!).  Well, I'm sad to state that I don't have time for a proper wish this week; that is, a wish to learn something just because I love it and learning it will improve my playing.

The good news about being busy:  I will not have to sleep under a bridge, or subsist solely on the yummy food that sometimes appears at my gigs (Monday was a great day for gig food: leftover corporate catering at my lobby gig, and hors d'oeuvres at a cabaret benefit in the evening).  Also, I love what I do, so being busy makes me happy.

The bad news about being busy: no time for my own projects.  This year I find myself working harder for less money.  I love all my jobs, and am grateful to have them.  They each have their own set of pros and cons, but the simple fact is that I have to work more hours for less money than last year or the year before. 

Soon I will play for a friend who may be able to help me get some work on a Broadway show at some point down the line.  I am probably 20th on the list of people to be considered, but it's still a good opportunity.  So that's where my wish time is going this week.  It needs to go there for the next few weeks as well, to be honest.  I'm torn.  I love my wish project, but (as the horse proverb makes clear) wishes don't pay the rent.

Last week, I was chatting with an actress who is a lifelong veteran of Broadway and the West End.  She has been on the professional stage almost constantly since she was about six years old.  She's a brilliant performer and a lovely person, but the economics of this business are reaching their tentacles even to people at her level.  "This business can be so unforgiving," she said.  "You have to invest so much time for opportunities that may never come through."

But what else can you do, if art is what you must do?

I See the Light - Oscar Songs

Following my mom's advice to remain quiet unless I have something nice to say, I will refrain from writing about "I See the Light".  Some things I just don't like.

Ok, maybe I'll say one thing:
The "here/crystal clear" rhyme thing has been done before.  It has been done on a melody of ti-la-sol, with ti ("CRY"-stal) on the downbeat.  Not, ahem, a whole new world of songwriting.  Definitely not a brave one.  Then again, brave, exploratory art rarely wins awards from established institutions.  That is the world we live in.

That is all. 

What I love about learning a song a day: I am forced to prioritize, look at the big picture.  What are the most important things about this song?  What do I need to remember?  Harmony, form, melody, feel.  When the day is over, move on to the next thing, and just see how much I can recall later. 

What I love about taking more time: Getting more in the details.  What is the keyboard player doing?  Why can't I play that one riff?  Coming back with a fresh perspective - oh, that chord has an extension I didn't hear the first time through. 

I played a game of schedule tetris yesterday.  Actually, it was more like music chairs, because with tetris, everything fits somewhere if you can get to it fast enough.  With musical time slots, there are always little tasks left running around with no hour to sit on. 

My Weekly Wishes aren't falling neatly into the weeks.  I'll learn my last Oscar song, "If I Rise", on Sunday.  I will make the medley another week.  Tonight and tomorrow, I need to practice "Black Coffee", which I'm supposed to record with my friend tomorrow.  Or I'll work on the Gershwin transcription, if she has to reschedule (I just texted to confirm).  Wrapping up this week's Wish is being pushed aside so I can finish up Wishes from other weeks.

Some Wishes, like learning to play accordion, aren't meant to fit into a week.  (Sorry, neighbors.  Sorry, kitty.) It's only a framework to see how much time I can find within a week to practice just for fun, because I still suck at time-management. To let it go and move on to something else, because I will need to practice letting go and moving on until the day I die.


Coming Home - Oscar-nominated song

Ok, if you read this blog last year, you remember about me and sentimental ballads, right? And how much they make me want to hurl? How did I forget that Oscar-nominated songs are almost always sentimental ballads?!

Oh well. I'm still having fun this week. Yesterday's song was "Coming Home", and tonight I've gotten started with "I See the Light".

In the category of unusual modulations, we have "Coming Home" (start about 2:45 on the video to check this out): it goes up a whole step after the second chorus, plays through the first two phrases of the chorus minus the patter lyrics, then it goes back DOWN to the original key of C major.  Who does that!?!? The song was written by Bob DiPiero, Tom Douglas, Troy Verges and Hillary Lindsey, so apparently they do. Or maybe some arrangers who aren't credited as songwriters were involved here.

"After the second chorus" is usually the bridge. I like bridges. I mean, I have to, if I ever want to get out of Manhattan (there are piles of dirty snow everywhere, and more freezing rain on the way - right now I'm thinking cross a bridge into Queens and get the next flight to Puerto Rico). Song bridges are great because they are your chance to get out, musically speaking, of the 'hood for a while. Then come back to Manhattan for the end, because you know you love it here. On the bridge, get a change of scenery: change the chord progression, the melody, the rhythm or rhyme scheme of the lyrics.

...Or maybe just the key. I can't say for sure, because I haven't seen Country Strong or how the song is used in it, but I'm guessing there isn't a profound cinematic reason for that key change up a step and back down. I'm guessing it's some songwriters/arrangers who found a cheap trick to "write" a bridge. Hm. I will steal that cheap trick and put it in my own bag for later use.

Maybe Gwyneth Paltrow's character has to cross a bridge to get back home. A bridge that's a step up. And then back down.

Weekly Wish: Oscar-Nominated Songs

Why I am not learning a song a day this year, even though I miss it:
because I'm writing about learning a song a day, a book which is turning out to contain barely any material from last year's blog posts. 

Because I'm learning audition material and working and looking for more work and doing stuff that is higher priority than learning a song every day just for the heck of it. 


Because I'm wishing.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride: so goes the proverb.  I have a beggar, and she is saying, "Please please please let me go back to learning a song every day, just for a little while."  So this week, she will ride on a horse that says, "I wish I could still learn a song a day.  I wish I paid more attention to the movies.  I wish I knew this year's Oscar-nominated songs."

So, I'm going to learn the four songs that are nominated for Best Original Song:
"Coming Home" from Country Strong
"I See the Light" from Tangled
"If I Rise" from 127 Hours
"We Belong Together" from Toy Story 3
 and I am going to make a little medley for solo piano. 

Target date for starting to post videos: on or before Valentine's Day.  Hold me to it, readers!

When You Wish Upon a Song:

Ok, I confess: I miss learning my song a day.

I could keep doing it.  I have half-ass learned a song about once a week this year ("I Say a Little Prayer", "Janie's Got a Gun", "Money, Money, Money", "But Not For Me").  But it's time to move on to new things.

And it's time to tell my gentle readers what those new things are, so I feel guilt-tripped into making them happen:

I don't have a clever name for this year's project, so I'm just calling it the Wish Project.  At the beginning of each week I complete the sentence "I wish I could..." with something specific that I'd like to be able to do musically, for instance, "I wish I could play the accordion so I can record a xote tune with my friends who play Brazilian music" (which was my first wish, much to my neighbors' chagrin!).  Then I spend whatever time I am able that week working toward that goal. 

With the weekly project, I have time to get in deeper, leave something overnight and come back to it, approach things a little differently.

The rules (always with the rules!) are:
1. I have to want to do what I choose to do (no fake wishes! no "shoulds"!).

2. I can come back to the same wish later, but not the following week - I have to let it go and move onto something else for at least a week. 

3. I will post videos of the wishes when they are ready to present to the public.  Gonna aim for about once a month, give or take a little since most of my projects are going to involve collaboration. 

Here are my wishes so far this year:
Jan 9: I wish I could play accordion so I can record a xote song with my friends who play Brazilian music. 

Jan 16: I wish I could play a Gershwin solo transcription (I chose "Swanee" because that was one of the songs in the book and on the Gershwin plays Gershwin piano rolls album, even though they're not the same version.

Jan 23: I wish I could play the piano for a singer the way Paul Smith played for Ella Fitzgerald (working on "Black Coffee" from the Intimate Ella album). 

Stay tuned, and feel free to suggest wishes!

The List

Ok folks, here's the final list.  Any weirdness (like the fact that there are actually 367 songs on the list, and I'm pretty sure I didn't learn two extra) can be attributed to the fact that I suck at keeping records, as my mom can attest.

Thank you for reading and commenting both here and through other channels, and watch this space - there may be evidence of my continued existence sometime in the next few weeks.

(I Just) Died In Your Arms
21 Questions
A Case of You
A Change is gonna Come
A Child is Born
A Foggy Day
A Thousand Miles
Across the Universe
Adelaide's Lament
Against All Odds
Ain't No Sunshine
All I Wanna Do
All I Want For Christmas
All You Need Is Love
And I am telling You...
And So It Goes
Any Way You Want It
As Time Goes By
At Last
Autumn Leaves
Baby, it's cold outside
Bad Day
Bad influence
Bad Romance
Beat It
Beauty and the Beast
Because of You
Bennie and the Jets
Bette Davis Eyes
Big in Japan
Billie Jean
Black Velvet
Bleeding Love
Blowin' in the Wind
Born in the USA
Born to Be Wild
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Build Me Up, Buttercup
California Gurls
Can't Help Falling in Love
Candle in the Wind
Careless Whisper
Carolina In My Mind
Carry that Weight
Castle on a Cloud
Change the World
Chasing Cars
Cherry Bomb
Come Together
Crazy (Patsy Cline/Willie Nelson)
Crazy (Aerosmith)
Crazy (Gnarls Barkley)
Crazy For You
Crazy On You
Crocodile Rock
Crystal Ball
Do Ya Think I'm Sexy
Don't Know Why
Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me
Don't Stop Believin'
Don't Worry, Be Happy
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Ease on Down the Road
Easy to Be Hard
Ebony and Ivory
Eleanor Rigby
Embraceable You
Empire State of Mind
End of the Road
Endless Love
Ev'ry Time We Say Good-Bye
Every Breath You Take
Everyday is a Winding Road
Evil Ways
Exhale (Shoop Shoop)
Falling Slowly
Far From the Home I Love
Fire and Rain
Flashdance - What a Feeling
For now
Free Fallin'
Friends In Low Places
F*** Her Gently
Georgia on my Mind
Glitter In the Air
Go Your Own Way
God Bless the Child
Golden Slumbers
Good Riddance
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Gravity (John Mayer)
Gravity (Sara Bareilles)
Great Balls of Fire
Hand In My Pocket
Hard Day's Night
Hard Times
Have a Heart
Have a Little Faith
Have You EVer Really Loved a Woman?
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
heaven help my heart
Here Comes the Sun
Here for the Party
Here I Go Again
Hey Jude
Higher Ground
Holding Back the Years
Honky Cat
Hotel California
How to Save a Life
Human Nature
I Ain't Got Nobody
I Am What I Am
I can't Get no Satisfaction
I Can't Make You Love Me
I Don't Believe You
I Don't Care Much
I Dreamed a Dream
I Got You (I Feel Good)
I Got You Babe
I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues
I heard it through the Grapevine
I Hope You Dance
I know the Truth
I Love Rock & Roll
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
I Swear
I Wanna Dance With Somebody
I Want to Hold Your Hand
I Want You Back
I Was Made For You
I Will Always Love You
I Will Follow You Into the Dark
I Will Survive
I Wish
I'd Like to Hate Myself in the Morning
I'll Be Home for Christmas
I'll Be Seeing You
I'll Be There
I'll Cover You
i'm not that girl
If I Ain't Got You
If I Could Turn Back time
If I Loved You
If It's MAgic
If You Don't KNow Me By Now
Isn't She Lovely
It Don't Mean a Thing
It Must've Been Love
It Takes Two
it won't be long now
Jack & Diane
Just the Way You Are
King of Anything
King of the World
Lady Madonna
Lady Marmalade
Last Night on Earth
Lean on Me
Learnin' the Blues
Leaving on a Jet PLane
Let It Be
Let it Snow
Let's Stay Together
Life of the Party
Like a Rolling Stone
Look Away
Love is a Many-Splendored Thing
Love Song
Love You i do
Low Rider
Mack the Knife
Man in the Mirror
Many the Miles
Maria Maria
Maybe This Time
Monster Mash
My Favorite Things
My Girl
My Guy
My Heart Will Go On
My Way (Los Lonely Boys)
My Way (Sinatra and everyone else)
New York State of Mind
New York, New York
Nick of Time
No Woman, No Cry
Not Ready to Make Nice
Nothing Compares 2 u
oh Darling
On My Own
One (Singular Sensation)
One Night ONly
One Song Glory
Open Arms
Orange-Colored Sky
Ordinary People
Out Tonight
Part-Time Lover
Piano Man
Pick Yourself Up
Piece of My Heart
Please Don't Leave Me
Poker Face
Proud Mary
Put Your Records On
Rainy Days and Mondays
Raise Your Glass
Ribbon in the Sky
Rocket Man
Rush, Rush
Seasons of Love
September Song
She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
She's Always A Woman
She's Got A Way
Should've Been a Cowboy
Signed, sealed Delivered
Sir Duke
Sittin' On the Dock of the Bay
Sleigh Ride
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Smooth Criminal
So In Love
So What
Someone To Watch Over Me
Somethin' to Talk About
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Song for the Dumped
Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word
Stand By Me
Strawberry Fields Forever
Strong Enough
Summer, Highland Falls
Sunny Came Home
Surfin' USA
Sweet Dreams (are made of this)
Sweet Home Alabama
Take It To The Limit
Take Me Home, Country Roads
Take Me or Leave Me
Take the A train
Takin' Care of Business
Taking Chances
Tears in Heaven
Thank You For the Music
That's All
That's the Way Love Goes
The Best Is Yet To Come
The Best of My Love
The Boy Is Mine
The Christmas Song
The Closest Thing To Crazy
The Crossroads
The End of the Innocence
The Lady is a Tramp
The Long and Winding Road
The Lucky One
The Man That Got Away
The Search Is Over
The Show Must Go On
The Story
The Stranger
the wizard and I
Theme from Rocky (Gonna Fly Now)
there are worse things i could do
There's a Fine, Fine Line
These Dreams
They Can't Take That Away From Me
ticket to ride
TIme after Time
Tiny Dancer
To Make You Feel My Love
Together Forever
Total Eclipse of the Heart
Try Again
Try Sleeping With a Broken Heart
Un-Break My Heart
Undone (the Sweater song)
Vanilla Ice Cream
Virtual Insanity
Wake Me Up When September Ends
We Belong Together
We Will Rock you
What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?
What's Going On?
What's Up
When I Fall In Love
When I'm Sixty-Four
When You Say Nothing At All
When You're Good to Mama
When You're Home
White Christmas
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?
Will You Love Me Tomorrow?
Winter Wonderland
With a Little Help From my Friends
Wonderful Tonight
You Are the Sunshine of My Life
you can't stop the beat
You Go To My Head
You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman
You May Be Right
You've Got a Friend
You've Got Possibilities
Your Song

For Now

"For Now" from the musical Avenue Q contains not one, not two, but three key changes up a half-step - the obligatory musical theater modulation taken to extremes.  It's the finale of the show, though, so they deserve to milk it for all it's worth. 

So here we are at the finale of my own little project.  My sister and brother-in-law took the boys to an indoor play area so I could have some much-appreciated quality time with the keyboard.  I almost succeeded in holding in a meltdown last night after my sister suggested, in a subtle way that belies her non-Japaneseness, that the rhythmic thumping of the keys when I practice with headphones might potentially be loud enough to elicit a complaint from the neighbors downstairs.  I was ok until she came to apologize because she felt bad we hadn't made enough time during Normal Waking Hours for me to practice.  I wasn't upset with her, I was just frustrated, and I hadn't had my US RDA of alone time for a while, and -

Well, frankly, it has nothing to do with her or Japan or anything like that - I'm just a little frightened for next year.  I thrive on simplicity, like 12-bar blues, or learn-a-song-a-day - but now it's time to rebalance life, priorities, how I budget my time.  Which is a complicated, ever-changing equation.  I need to subtract song-a-day in order to add important things like write-a-book and find-better-paying-work, but I don't want to lose the traction I've gained this year.  I have a project planned for next year that's more abstract than the simple but time-consuming directive to memorize a song every day, and I'm worried that my little monkey mind won't be able to stick with it. 

Sigh.  Speaking of monkey mind, it's customary to do a sort of year-in-review at this time, is it not?  Let's swing over to that branch now. 

In honor of High Fidelity, I'll start with some Top 5 lists:
5. The Best is Yet to Come - great, interesting form.
4. Friends in Low Places - Vocal. Range. Well done, Garth.
3. Theme from Rocky - nice development of musical ideas.  Dig the combo of fanfare and electric guitar solo in the same song.
2. All I Want for Christmas is You - Discovered to my surprise that I like Mariah.  Won't spoil it by trying to explain.  I just do.
1. Smells Like Teen Spirit - awesome melody.  No wonder this is so coverable.

5. The Story - Brandi Carlile - would like to hear it sung by a man, suspect the melodic range would sit better than in a female voice.  And Brandi Carlile has no business singing about lines on her face, even if she sounds like she's giving herself nodes on her vocal cords by doing so.
4. If It's Magic - Stevie Wonder - don't know.  Maybe I'm jealous of the harp for taking over any of Stevie's repertoire.
3. Foolish - Ashanti - that piano riff really gets on my nerves after a while.
2. What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life - Bergman/LeGrand, various recordings - I prefer my schmaltzy lyrics and slow tempi not to occur in the same song.
1. Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman: - Bryan Adams - Worst. Lyrics. Ever.

5. Summer, Highland Falls (and a lot of other Billy Joel stuff)
4. Honky Cat (and a lot of other Elton John stuff)
3. Lullabye (Ben Folds - for the piano solo in particular)
2. Great Balls of Fire
1. Ribbon in the Sky (and other Stevie Wonder stuff)
0. honorable mentions... too many to mention! Ray Charles, Alicia Keys, Paul Smith (Ella's accompanist)...

As you may have inferred from that last list, doing a song a day had its pros and cons.  One pro - I am familiar with a lot of songs.  One obvious con: I didn't have time to absorb much more than the form and chord progression, and maybe a riff here and there. 

So did I succeed or fail?

Well ok, if you asked me to sit down and play (and sing! that was part of the objective! ack!) from memory down the list of 365 songs, we'd come up with a colossal fail. 

But I would remember some of them.  Maybe even a lot of them.  And I suck less than I did, which, you may recall, was the other objective.

I still wish I could beam myself to where I want to be, literally and musically.  But a journey doesn't just begin with a single step, it continues with further steps, little by little, sometimes assisted by wheeled or jet-fueled vehicles.  Songs: 365 sticks of dynamite (well, maybe a few M60s snuck in there) to blast Perfectionazis out of the way, bridges to connect people who may have nothing else in common, gemstones to decorate my life, companions when my kitten doesn't suffice and real humans are frustrating or unavailable. Three hundred sixty-five stepping stones to help me go, little by little, toward the seemingly-inaccessible town of Less Suckness.  Musical Omniscience is a mirage, like water ahead on the freeway, always out of reach, but Less Suckness is actually as accessible and common as Springfields -it's everywhere along the way! 

Process vs. Product.  We live in a product-oriented culture.  Humbug.  In the end, aren't our lives made up of a consecutive series of Nows, not products-that-we're-buried-with?  I still haven't found what I'm looking for, no.  I'd like to learn actual notes, not just form and harmony that I fake my way through with varying degrees of competence.  I'd like to review what I've learned, so I can retain it.  I'd like to suck less than I do today.  If everything in life is only for now, I'd like to spend most of my Nows playing with words and music (with breaks for family and friends, travel, and shoe-shopping).  Which is what I did this year.  So I'm calling it a success. 

Happy New Year!

New Year's in Japan!

My sister has lived a total of about fifteen years in Japan, between study abroad, work and marriage.  The work program she took part in after college determines where they send people based partially on language ability - people with less Japanese skill will be better off in cities where there is a relative abundance of English.  My sister, being the badass that she is, got sent to the booniest of boonies: a small farming village in Kyushu where she was the first foreign resident, like... ever. I should mention, my sister is 5'10", blond and blue-eyed, about as non-Japanese as a humanoid can get. 

My sister's best Japanese friend, Chieko, is the only child of the sake brewers of that village.  My favorite New Year's ever - and it will be hard to top - was spent at her family's house in Kyushu nine years ago.  New Year's is the big holiday in Japan. Sort of the reverse of the U.S. - Christmas is the date holiday, and New Year's is the go-home-and-get-fat-with-your-family holiday.  Stores close, business associates exchange gifts.  My sister's friend's family had mountains of mikan, and platters and platters of traditional New Year's food from their business associates.  We basically sat around the kotatsu and ate for a couple days.  Everything was closed. Granted, it was a small town, but you could've heard a pin drop anywhere in the village.

On New Year's Eve, my sister and I went to the local Zen temple.  They have a giant bell there that is rung with what is much like a suspended railroad tie with a cord to move it.  The bell is rung 108 times on New Year's (see here for the significance of 108).  Since it's such a small town, I got to smash the railroad tie into the bell a couple times.  Some little kids were keeping count of the rings.  Then my sister and I hung out, drinking green tea and eating cakes with the priest and his wife, who remembered her from her time working in the town.  At midnight, the priest went to the altar (?) and chanted.  We returned to her friend's house, where it was a few degrees warmer inside (no joke, we could see our breath when we were brushing our teeth - I'll have to talk about Japanese houses another time).  We slept on futons under super-warm futon comforters, then got up and had sake for breakfast.  Er, with breakfast.  I'm pretty sure there were few cessations of eating that week. 

Japanese kids usually receive gifts of money at New Year's. I was very surprised to receive such a gift from Mr. Yano, one of the townspeople who had come to New Mexico in a tour group organized by my sister.  My sister's local government job was basically cultural exchange, so why not get to take a trip home by bringing her Japanese country mice to check out Southwest America and its country mice?  Fun was had by all, even Mr. Yano, who put up with an abcess tooth with typical Japanese don't-want-to-trouble-anybody stoicism until it became unbearable and had to be removed in my hometown - imagine having emergency dental work done in a language you don't understand!  Anyway, Mr. Yano gave me a generous New Year's give of 10,000 yen (almost $100) instructed me to get something for myself and for my parents, whom he'd met on the New Mexico trip.

A note on Mr. Yano: had WWII lasted any longer, had we not dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I would never have gotten to meet this kind, humble man.  He was training as a kamikaze pilot when the war ended.  He got to see the yards of the Pima Air Museum near Tucson, AZ, and he said something to the effect of, "What were we thinking?  These were your leftovers," about the giant machines.  The Japanese were prepared to fight until every last one of their young men had gone down in a paper airplane.  So, while I think that the museum in Hiroshima should be required viewing for every single 8-year-old child on the planet, so that we impress upon them before puberty how very stupid and fucked-up war is, I also think that there are at least two sides to every story.  Before Mr. Yano said it, I never thought there could have been any upside, at all, ever, for any individual anywhere, to dropping an atomic bomb.  And even with that slightly conflicted view of that particular sad event in history, I couldn't smile for several hours after leaving the museum in Hiroshima when I visited with my then-boyfriend last time I was in Japan.  Ugh.  Imagine all the people, people, please.

Meanwhile, back in the Kansai area where my sister now lives, my sister and nephews and I went to visit Chieko.  Chieko married a sake brewer from this area, so my sister very conveniently has a friend nearby.  We had okonomiyaki lunch with Chieko and her kids, sent her son to cram school with a packed dinner (6+ hours of cram school on vacation, ugh!), and went to her house via the sake brewery.  I got to have a quick little tour of the brewery, proof that even when I am almost-studiously avoiding tourism, I still get to do cool stuff.  Tamara and Chieko and I drank tea and ate little yummy things like good grown-ups while the kids ran around and played their noisy rambunctious bilingual play.  Chieko's daughter can definitely keep up with my two nephews.  I'm pretty sure she's a superhero. 

I wasn't sure where I was going with this when I started writing.  I probably wanted to talk about food.  That's usually where I'm going when I start - food or music theory.  But my natural gravitas strikes again, and I can't help but notice something non-food-related:

My grandpa, who earned a Purple Heart fighting in Europe in WWII, often referred to "Japs", at least until my sister moved to their country and seemed to be happy.  Mr. Yano got his tooth extracted while visiting America, a tooth he wouldn't have had in a lifespan he wouldn't have had if WWII had lasted only a few more days.   My sister was doing a summer internship in Florida between years of grad school when one of her assignments was to interpret for a Universal Studios Japan team that had come to study the park in Orlando prior to building the park in Osaka.  One of the few young, single Japanese men who is taller than my sister happened to be on that team, and he is now my brother-in-law.  They have two little halflings, who live in Japan but speak English much of the time, and who live in appropriately-neutral Switzerland for several weeks every summer while my sister works in-house for her main client in Geneva.  Chieko's daughter picked up more English yesterday while playing with my nephews - (kids learn so fast - I heard her correct her pronunciation of "sneck king" to "snake king" after hearing it a couple times from my nephews... goodness knows what a perennially-useful phrase "snake king" is, but it had something to do with whatever game they were making up). 

When the bomb fell on Hiroshima in August 1945, it killed everything for miles around - tens of thousands of people, and all the vegetation.  No one knew when spring might come again, or if it would come, in a stark wasteland peopled with grievously-injured survivors.  In the museum, there's a photograph of one brave little flower coming up out of the barren ground the following spring.

Every culture seems to have a winter solstice observation of hope and light before the darkest and coldest time of year sets in.  This has been my Blog Post of Hope and Light.  Thank you. 

Anyway, Centerfold

Today's songs:
"Centerfold" by the J. Geils Band, and "Anyway" by Martina McBride.

"Centerfold" now belongs in an ever-growing medley I call "Songs in the Key of G".  The medley includes but is not limited to "Blackbird", "Wake me Up When September Ends", and "Chasing Cars" (which is in A, but playing "Wake Me..." makes me want to play it).  I managed to peel myself away from ebay long enough to listen to a few of the surprisingly numerous covers of this song.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised, because that opening riff is really catchy. 

"Anyway" - to be learned after dinner (do-it-yourself sushi here at my sister's place).  This song belongs to a small set of seasonal Songs that Pertain to Important and Meaningful (if Often Tedious and Annoying) Life Lessons Learned This Year, or SPIM(OTA)LLLTY for... short?  Hm.  Well, anyway - unintentional pun - I'll list those songs with short explanations:

1. "Crystal Ball" -
a. Pink's songs are formulaic (my exploration of Funhouse album in early spring was how verse-chorus-bridge form really sunk in - went from knowing-it-in-my-head to ah-ok-so-that's-what-that-is), but I like them anyway.
b. I-IVsus2 = instant pop song
c. There are a lot of lyrics in this song that resonate with me after this year.  I don't think I can sum it up into one pithy sentence, so just go listen to the song.  That's why they exist, after all.

I'm sure I will have geeky musical thoughts about these songs too, but I haven't worked on them yet, so no conscious observations...

2. "Anyway"
I don't know if my career is ever going to take off to the point where I'm being paid to be creative, or if I will remain a respected-in-my-circle but unknown accompanist/music director.  I intend to cobble these posts together with other journaling and writing I've been doing this year into a book, and I intend to record an album that includes some of the songs I've worked on this year, but who knows if it will reach beyond those who already know about it.  I put so much time into things that may never pay off.  But what am I gonna do, not try?
Again, the song says it better.

3. "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"
There are so many more songs in the world!  I still need to suck less every day!  Ack ack ack ack ack!
I will study music my whole life.  Hopefully I will have the good fortune to make my living at it too, since that's just a more efficient use of my time - on-the-job training.

4. "Only For Now"
Avenue Q is one of my favorite musicals.  It is so expertly crafted, in addition to being funny and irreverent, which entertainment should be if it possibly can.
The bitch about live performance is that you have to get it right time after time, not just once so you can hand it over to the editing team (TV/film actors = sometimes a questionable casting choice for the Broadway stage, just sayin').  As my technique improves, I am beginning to sense that consistency in my playing might actually be in the realm of possibility.  That's exciting.  But I still have to pay attention to what I'm doing.  Because music is only for now.  Or something (go listen to the song).

And then I learn songs like "Centerfold" to crack myself up...

Playing Catch-Up

I seem to have two speed settings: GOGOGOGOGOGO!!! and crasssssshhhhhhh.  Clearly I'm in crash mode at the moment, because all I want to do is rot my brain with tv and internet, and I have no inclination whatsoever to practice.  Ah, vacation.  That time when your brain refuses to work, and it's kind of ok.  

Need to catch up on two things - song-learning and shoe-shopping.  One GO-related and one crash-related.  Song-learning: I discovered a grave Supergeeky Spreadsheet Error yesterday - I do, in fact, have five extra songs to learn before 2011 arrives, because try as I might, I couldn't squeeze in the rest of the make-up songs before I left New York, and I lost most of a day coming here that I won't get back until I return after New Year's.  So I need to double up these last few days.  Oh well.  At least I have plenty of time.  I'm beginning to suspect that Time and Motivation are the same person, since I never see them at the same time. 

The Song Plan:
Today (the 27th) - "Go Your Own Way" and "I'll Be Home For Christmas" (as soon as Mary Poppins is over)

The Rest of the Year (I can't believe we're nearly at the end of it!!):
Crystal Ball (Pink)
Anyway (Martina McBride)
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2)
Only For now (from Avenue Q)
Centerfold (J. Geils Band)
Sleigh Ride
It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To
Blue Suede Shoes

I had grand plans of planning a clever curriculum for myself at the end of the year, to highlight my growth over the course of the year blah blah blah, but 1) I'm allergic to waxing toooooo philosophical (sometimes, like when I'd rather be shoe-shopping) and 2) I just didn't have time (I had motivation, though - see what I mean?).

The past few weeks, I've had the same feeling I get whenever I reach the end of a trip - excitement/panic and a sense of "Oh no!  I haven't done this and this and that!  I have to come back!" - only I rarely do go back to these places unless I have family there.  I've decided to handle this existential panic by trying not to do too many things I don't want to do (hence the state of cleanliness or lack thereof of my apartment), trying to make sure the things I bother with are things I want (hence the prevalence of cookies in my diet), and not worrying too much about the rest.  So I try to avoid stupid songs that I hate, and pick songs I think I'll like, and not worry too much about the ones I haven't had time for.  And I keep reminding myself I can continue to learn songs after this year... though I seriously need time for, like, a boyfriend, and occasional shoe-shopping...

Speaking of which... auctions await (shoes, not boyfriends).

Theme from Rocky

I have just learned my song of the day, and I will take one further brief moment away from gorging myself, looking at clearance shoes online, and watching my nephews play in order to post this brief log. 

Theme from Rocky (or, How to Impress Your Nephews)
So far, in Japan, I have played legos, watched Star Wars, and eaten the tamales and cookies that are a holiday tradition in my family (props to my sister for making the tamales - I picked up corn husks, the one ingredient that's impossible to find in Japan, and the proprietors of the Mexican grocery near my apartment asked if I was making tamales.  My response was along the lines of, "hell no, but my sister is!"). 

it's really loud in here right now - my nephews are playing with my brother-in-law and their new toys.  They are as brainy as they are loud...
I don't really feel like spending any more time writing this when I have family to hang out with and cookies to eat and shoes to find, so I'll just take notes:

WHY Rocky: it was playing in the car, and my nephews like this song, and I realized I'd never really learned a mostly-instrumental well-known song.  Also, it appeals to my oft-ascendant inner tomboy. 

HOW: ipod, keyboard, 2 sets of headphones (one to cancel out external sounds like excited nephews), one headphone/jack adapter we finally found yesterday at the third electronics store we tried.  Repetition.  Handwritten chart. 

THOUGHTS: would be fun to take more time to transcribe more specific horn/string lines and make a more detailed piano arrangement.  But my younger nephew looked suitably impressed when I took the headphones out of the keyboard and played it for general consumption. There are few parts that repeat exactly in this song - it's more through-composed than most pop songs with lyrics.  Usually it's only a small change - it sounds more repetitive than it is, because the fanfare thing keeps going and unifies it. 

Ok.  Back to family, food, and shoe-shopping, the Kat-on-Vacation Trifecta of Happiness.

The Christmas Song

My computer has caught on that I'm in Japan, because all the links on the browser are in Japanese, which makes for interesting surfing.  I learned The Christmas Song (you know, the one about the chestnuts) this morning on the keyboard here at my sister's house in a suburb of Osaka.  I listened to Sammy Davis, Jr. and Diana Krall, and played the song in a few different keys.  Then we all went, my sister, brother-in-law, two nephews and me, and did some shopping and ate some amazing conveyor belt sushi for lunch.  A little more shopping, and now it's about 1 a.m. in New York, and siesta time here, so I'm about to crash for an hour or two.  My sister has been combing through her CDs of 80s music and making song suggestions for the last few days of the year, but has asked to receive neither blame nor credit for my choices.  Yay vacation and family time!

Recent songs: 

"Feel" (Robbie Williams)
"Ev'ry Time We Say Good-Bye"
"Tempted" (Squeeze)

"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"
"Oh Darling"
"A Child is Born"

I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm

I just want this effing gig that provides less than 5% of my income and has taken waaaaaaaay more than 5% of my practice time to be freaking over already.  Jeez.  (You know I'm cranky when I go full circle from fake swearing through real swearing to fake swearing again.)  One more day.  21 hours from now, I will be pouring red wine down my gullet to decompress a little, because all the gigs requiring major prep will be over. 

Anyway...New York English: "happy holidays" is what we say to wish someone a pleasant December/January celebration.  It's politically incorrect to wish someone a merry Christmas here, because, well, what if they're Jewish or something?  So cocktail and background gigs this time of year can be awkward, knowing some people want to hear holiday music, some people are offended that their minority religion is underrepresented by holiday music, and some people are sick to death of the same damn songs being forced up their eardrums by our capitalist pig consumer economy boombox since mid-October. 

And that's where songs about cold weather come in.  Today's song - written by a Jew, like many good cold weather songs and in fact many popular Christmas songs (money moeny money...side note: these songwriters are savvier than I - see 1st paragraph regarding 5%) - ahem, today's song is a lovely AABA tune... with a twist.  For all my worshipful praise of 32-bar AABA form, none of the standards I've picked recently have been that clear cut.  "Embraceable You", "A Foggy Day" and "Moon River" are all ABAC: question-answer, question-different answer.  "Moon River"'s C is fourteen bars long (the rest of the sections are a more normal eight).  "I've Got My Love..." definitely has a discernible bridge, new key and everything ("off with my overcoat) - but while the bridge is Ye Olde Normal Eight, all the A sections are sixteen bars long - two eight-bar phrases each, a question and an answer.  Best of both worlds.  So, if you were really, really nerdy like me, you could, if you had nothing better to do, analyze it as (AB)(AB)C(AB). 

Or you could just sit down and play it like a normal human.  I've played this one from the sheet music many times.  It's one of those handy holiday season songs where, if I'm doing a little improvising over the form to stretch it out and it's gone on rather long enough but then I see a couple guys in suits and yarmulkes walk by, I'll take another chorus.  And now I know that the long A sections have collectively given me an extra twenty-four bars to stall with. 

Fun with standards: tonight I listened to the Ella and Billie versions I already own, then looked on youtube and playlist to investigate other versions.  Listened to Dean Martin's, part of Frank Sinatra's (could only find a snippet), and a dance remix of Kay Starr singing it.  New discovery, Kay Starr.  That track, which I ended up downloading, will be handy for days when I decide to prance around my living room for my cat's entertainment because I can't get it together to go to the gym.

Embraceable You

It occurs to me as the year draws to a close that, in doing a song a day, I might have been better served by really sticking to the traditional definition of a standard song -  one that has become standard repertoire of many musicians and has been covered a zillion times. 

Standards are about structure - what does a given arranger or performer hang on that same structure?  Strings?  A clever intro or tag?  A face-melting guitar solo?  (Yes, please, if only because then I can say "face-melting guitar solo").  Structure is the first thing I take note of when I learn a song, at least if I'm trying to memorize it.  Specific notes of a piano part, not so much.  There are a few iconic piano riffs that stick - some of the Billy Joel and Elton John stuff, some 80s piano-based power ballad stuff - but the main thing that sticks is the harmony and the form.  Guess specifics will have to wait til another year (more on this anon).  All I can really hang onto, since I'm not just learning to play but also memorizing, is the form and chord progression of a given song - the bare minimum that I need as a pianist to fake along with a singer.  I guess it's good to learn how to do the bare minimum, since my natural instinct is to do everything the hardest, most complicated way possible! 

Tonight I'm doing a standard - finally getting around to "Embraceable You".  Can you imagine how much darker and drearier the world would be without the Gershwins?  I've listened to a few different versions: Art Tatum solo piano, Ella's Nelson Riddle arrangement, Judy Garland, Etta James, Rod Stewart.  My M.O. for learning songs for much of the year has been to put the most famous recording of said song on my ipod, but on my headphones, and learn it by ear.  I think maybe I'll experiment with twinkling along with a couple different recordings, and then figuring out my own little arrangement of this standard.  We'll see how it goes. 

Build Me Up Buttecup

VR: C'mon, Kat - all you have left to do tonight is learn your song.  Hop to it.

KG: What's that you say?  All I have to do tonight is get really, really hammered?

VR: No... even though that's what you want to do... just focus and work hard for five more days and it'll calm down a bit.

KG: Arrrghhhhhhhhhhh...

Ok, I'm glad that the voice of reason won out tonight, and I stopped at my customary two-beverage maximum while out with my old roommate who's in town - I have five more days of plowing through, and no time for a hangover.  More to the point, my song tonight was really fun.  I chose it because one of the contestants at my Stonewall gig sang it to a track a couple weeks ago, and I thought it'd be a good one to learn.  It has a I-III7 chord progression, one of my favorites.  It has other secondary dominants as well.  Secondary dominants... I have already paid my theory nerd dues today, teaching a pack of actors some klunky vocal arrangements (I got them to identify plagal cadences by ear, yay, can I get an amen?); suffice to say, secondary dominants are like briefly passing through another key on the way back to tonic. 

mmm... tonic...
I kinda miss having a social life, you know?  Stupid New York with its high cost of living and fierce professional competition and atmosphere of driven-ness.  I've been thinking a bit about what to do next year.  I want to keep growing as a musician, but I need to have a life.  And maybe a buttercup (not to be confused with a peanut butter cup). 

To be contemplated more later.  Now gonna catch some zzz's before I wake up and pull a beginning piano workshop out of thin air.