Kat Sherrell

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Haiku #226 - Memorial Day

it's a good day to
remember - and celebrate
freedom they paid for

Sometimes people complain that these solemn national holidays just turn into an excuse to skip work and barbecue... Certainly there are some people who don't even take a second to think about the reason for the holiday. At the same time, I feel that men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country would be pleased to look down and see that we're spending time with friends and family and enjoying the beginning of summer in our beautiful land. Grateful to my Grandpa and father and cousins and friends who have served, and grateful they all made it back in one piece.

Speaking of beautiful land, I'm leaving for the last leg of tour tomorrow morning! I can't believe it's nearly over - just 10 more shows. On that note, I'd better pack!